The concept
Living in an age in which viewers no longer watch TV shows at the same time, we’ve lost the ability to talk about our favorite shows with our friends. WatchThis gives the viewers the opportunity to discuss dramatic moments without the fear of spoilers.
WatchThis has two main goals: making it easy to watch TV online and making it fun to talk to your friends about it.
Make it easy to watch TV online
There are currently lots of different service providers and devices on which you can watch TV. WatchThis lets you have all the information you need in order to watch your shows, in one place. The app makes it easy to find out which episodes are available for you to watch. Your watchlist is updated whenever a new episode comes out and is updated again once you've watched it.
WatchThis aggregates all your TV resources
WatchThis connects to all the streaming services you have been using already, like Netflix and Amazon, and displays all the options in one place. It also provides free content from official sources like Hulu, NBC, CBS and more. WatchThis doesn’t give the viewers access to paid content if they are not paying for it; it only links to free official videos and paid subscriptions.
WatchThis lets you watch on your big screen
You can watch your favorite shows on your TV screen by casting the videos from the app, using AppleTV or Chromecast.
“Real-time” comments
WatchThis mimics a real-time commenting system that brings back the once lost feeling of watching at the same time as your friends. It works like this: Jeannette watched Game of Thrones a week ago. She added an awesome comment at minute 51. Dan is watching the same episode right now, and at minute 51 Jeannette's comment pops up as if she and Dan were watching at the same time. This way comments can be posted without the risk of spoilers!
See what your friends are watching
WatchThis lets you see which friends are following a show and what episode they are on. You can check out your friends’ watchlists so that you can catch up with them, wait for them or discover some new shows you might like. In your friends’ timeline you can see who’s watching what right now and check out their comments. Fear not - any spoiler will be hidden from you.
Friends watching now. Spoiler comments are hidden.
See each friends' watchlist.
Watch with your friends
The “WatchThis Together” feature makes it easy to find something to watch when you are having friends over. Simply add their names and the service will pull up everything you have in common, telling you which episodes you can watch together.
Friends following shows together can create a permanent joint list that will update all relevant lists when watching an episode together. This is especially beneficial for couples and roommates.
WatchThis caters to your mood with Serving Options
WatchThis lets you create personal shortcuts to your content called "Serving Options". The serving options are automatically generated for you according to your setup and show you what episodes are available for you to watch. (If you’ve watched episode 6 of Game of Thrones and 7 just came out, you will have one episode available to watch). Serving Options make it easy and fast for you to get to the right show, based on your mood and the type of watching experience you are looking for right now.
For each show you follow, you can set your craving levels (low / medium / high) - how much you like the show, and your attention levels - how much attention you need to watch the show. You can also tag shows as private, filler or dessert, and add them to custom lists in order to organize your content better.
Serving Options
Each of these serving options is based on a research done in cooperation with online TV viewers, while taking into account the changes in TV watching patterns over the last years.
Keep Watching
This is a shortcut to the last 3 shows you’ve watched recently. You can just pick up where you left off.
High Craving Shows
These are shows that you have to watch as soon as they air. You are addicted to them. You can't live without them; they are the first you want to watch when you have enough time. Anything you mark as high craving in your setup will appear here.
Binge Watch
This shortcut displays all the shows in which you have 3 or more episodes available to watch. Enjoy your weekend!
Quick Snack
This is a shortcut to all the shows under 20 minutes. Use this serving option when you only have a short time to watch TV. This is great for quick lunch breaks.
Filler Shows
Fillers are the shows you watch when there is nothing attractive on. Usually these are episodes you’ve already watched but can always watch again, like Seinfeld or Friends.
Dessert Shows
Have you just watched True Detective and now feel bad about life? Then watch a dessert show! Tag your favorite warm and fuzzy shows as Dessert Shows and they will appear in this serving option.
Background Noise
These show are the ones that don’t require your full attention, you like putting them on in the background. Anything you mark as low attention in your setup will appear here.
Try Something New
This list automatically shows you the top shows which your friends are watching and suggests to you to try these shows too.
You can multi task and come back to the app at anytime, using the fixed top bar